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please go to the preamble for instructions.

FPTN preamble

Download the FPTN OCTOBER 2024 ROSTER DATA-SHEET in PDF                


GOOD as of October 1, 2024


KG5AOP   JERRY         Leesburg, FL - northwest of Orlando
WA4ATF   ALAN          Dunedin, FL - north of Clearwater
W4AYY    DON           near Louisville, KY
K4BH     JEFF          Parkland, FL - near Fort Lauderdale, FL
KM4BRQ   TOM           Seminole, FL - north of Saint Petersburg - GO NOLES!
WB4BSP   RICK          Jacksonville, FL


N5CBP    BRAD          Lake City, FL - where interstate highways meet
N9CLD    JOE           DeLand, FL
W4CMH    JOHN          Fort Myers, FL
W4CNB    CHAMP         Sebring, FL
N4CRE    CHARLIE       Miami, FL
KG2CS    BILL          Homestead or Key Largo, FL
KE4D     JOHN          Leesburg, FL - northwest of Orlando
KO4DN    CHRIS         Tallahassee, FL
AD4DO    JOHN          Crawfordville, FL - south of Tallahassee
KC3DWY   GRAY          Ocala, FL


KK4ECR   SCOTT         Orange Park, FL - outside of Jacksonville
N4ELI    ELI           Tavares, FL - northwest of Orlando
K4EZM    RANDY         Sebring, FL - middle of the state, away from everything!
WC4FSU   HELEN         Ormond Beach, FL - net manager
KA1G     ED            Port Clinton, OH - or Edgewater, FL - like now
N4GMU    DAVE          DeLand, FL - with a capital L
WO4GQ    FRANK         Lakewood Ranch, FL - near Bradenton
W4GRJ    JACK          Saint Petersburg Beach, FL
W1HFR    TOM           Brooksville, FL - near Tampa


KD4IKV   HARRY         Wildwood, FL
KG4ITD   JUNIOR        Bristol, FL - 40 miles west of Tallahassee
KO4LXL   ROBERT        Sarasota, FL 
N4MRJ    LEO           Jacksonville, FL
N8MRS    MIKE	       Norwood, OH - near Cincinnati
KE4NC    KENNY         Fort Lauderdale, FL
W4NFG    MAC           Port Saint Joe, FL - just east of Panama City
N4NOA    BILL          Brandon, FL - east of Tampa


W3OJO    JOE           Wade, NC - near Fayetteville, NC
N3OS     GARY          Dade City, FL - a few miles northeast of Tampa
KD4OVP   MIKE          Margate, FL - near Ft. Lauderdale
KI4OXD   EARL          Hawthorne, FL - outside of Ocala
W2PAX    DAVE          Naples, FL - southwest coast
W2PH     ED            Palm Bay, FL - just south of Melbourne
W4PXE    DAVE          Saint Petersburg, FL
KZ8Q     BEN           Ocala, FL
W8QFV    MARK          Largo, FL - near Clearwater and Saint Petersburg


W4RFJ    CHIEF         Rainbow Springs, FL - extreme corner of Levy County
WB4RJW   DIANE         Edgewater, FL - south of Daytona Beach
WA1RWO   DAVE          Holly Hill, FL - north of Daytona Beach
KR4ST    JEFF          Fort Myers, FL
KN4SVY   HARRY         Live Oak, FL - north of Gainesville
WB4TOM   ED            Tallahassee, FL
WB4ULT   RICK          Casselberry, FL - outside of Orlando
KA5USN   CHIEF         Tallahassee, FL
KD8UUB   CHRIS         Caledonia, OH - yes, Ohio!


KM2V     MIKE          Lauderhill, FL - near Ft. Lauderdale
KM4WHO   JOHN          Port Orange, FL - southern Volusia County
AE4WK    WAYNE         South Tampa, FL
KT4WX    DARRELL       Fort Meade, FL - 25 miles south of Lakeland
AA4XZ    DAVE          Sanford, FL - northeast of Orlando
KO4YOL   FRED          Trenton, FL - west of Gainesville
W4ZSZ    FLOYD         Byron, GA - near Macon, GA and southeast of Atlanta

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